Welcome to Lift Paragliding
Are you ready to learn to fly and set yourself free? Or ready to take an instructional tandem flight in the mountains or over the ocean at the beautiful coast side? Lift Paragliding is a school to help you see your dreams. We offer 1-day, 2-day, Novice Programs, Advanced Programs, Coaching, Instructional Tandem Flights, and Paragliding tours to some of the best paragliding sites in the world.

A Bit About Us
Lift Paragliding is located in the San Francisco Bay Area. We offer paragliding instruction at several sites within the Bay Area. You will be given all around flying knowledge, from smooth coast side ridge soaring to flying in thermals with the eagles high above the mountains. With up to date knowledge, top notch training equipment, and a smooth training atmosphere, you will become a strong safe pilot. We strive to make each lesson Safe, Fun, and productive towards your goal.

USHPA 2013 Instructor of the Year Jesse Meyer
Just about every one of Jesse's numerous nominators cited his positive, friendly, cheerful attitude, and his love for paragliding, as major qualifications for this Instructor of the Year award. "His passion comes through in his teaching methods, and students always leave the training hill with a smile."

Upcoming Events

"Jesse is a great instructor, I took a much needed refresher course with him and now I feel like I can safely fly again on my own."
Daniel Reynaud

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